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Why We Collect This Information

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Email Address

We need your email address so that we can uniquely identify you. This address is also used as your user id. We expect the email address you provide is valid and one you actively use. Email messages will be occassionally sent to you at this address and most importantly, this is how you collect your rewards from us.


We collect your name so that we can identify our members. Although this is personally identifying we do not provide this information to anyone. Additionally, if you or we should have problems with your account we can use your name to find your account information.

Phone Number - Optional

This information is not necessary for us, but will be used in case we need to contact you regarding your account.


This is usually a word or characters that help you ensure protection of your account from someone else.

Birth Month/Year

This information is demographic in nature and ensure that we understand and cater to our audience correctly. Age and gender are rough guides of your current interests and life events. However, we do not use this information for anything but internal analysis and marketing.

Home Zip

This helps us gather the most appropriate restaurant choises for you. As we are regionally based, we make every attempt to know where our members are so they will have the best choices available to them.

Referree Email Address

Since your email address is the only identifying information, we would like to get the correct email address of the person who referred you to Choizi. In this manner, we are able to provide rewards to your friends who have referred you.